so the Richmond Marathon DOESN’T ALLOW HANDCYCLES to participate in their race because they discriminate against people with disabilities and it doesn’t make any sense. but that marathon is also my dream come true.

A guy I know from the YMCA did so much research for the past 2.5 months and is emailing with SportsBackers (in charge of the marathon) and arguing about how unfair it is. so that’s the coolest thing.

And he just forwarded me their conversation of the lady saying no way, no how. but he’s not giving up it’s so awesome when people care about me like that.

he sent her back a 7 paragraph response, forwarded it to me, wrote me a message at the top that said “If they still won't consider it, we may have to take this to the masses for protest.” i.e. television, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter. that would be so much fun


