COMING ALONG NICELY. tonight was the kitchen-granite-reveal. hopefully I’ll close this month
Also the dude giving me a massage was you, Godwin. Looked similar, sounded the same when he whispered (“breeeeeatheeee”), and my ad-libbing. For some reason I was ad-libbing during massage. I was narrating and repeating words to him why
I just had a massage (thankyouDouglas❤️) and for some reason my teeth kept drying out. I tried to re-wet them (ew) but then I looked like a bunny
Sarah and I went to Target during lunch for 6 nerf guns to shoot people in the office. GAME ON. good thing my boss is the best (👨🏻)
I’m measuring my relationship with Douglas by how comfortable I am not wearing socks in front of him and this weekend I didn’t wear socks to breakfast! it is exciting
We decided on _(first name)_ Ann Jones for the new dog so Dad and I were trying to convince Mom to name her Valerie or Victoria or something that starts with a V so we can shorten it to Vaj down the road. Vaj, Vag. HAHAHA
I think she decided on Maddy, though. :(
sometimes I wake up with text messages from my bank that I received the night before but didn’t see them because I was asleep. It’s like even the BANK stays up later than I do
It is exciting how many times per day I watch Achilles throw up in her mouth then swallow it. now I know the look in her eyes when she’s about to do it. it is traumatic