Adaptive rowing! You can’t reeeeally tell but if you zoom in you’ll see a smile and a hinney
My lunch date just left an angry note on someone’s car that parked too close to mine in the parking lot. So that was scary
There’s a young, attractive (we think/hope) guy that rides a handcycle around my neighborhood that I haven’t met yet but Elyse texts me (all caps: “HE’S HERE GO OUTSIDE") when he’s by our houses so I can introduce myself. I got the message this morning when I had crazy hair/no pants on so I got dressed quickly and have been on my front porch for 20 minutes waiting for this dude. It’s beautiful and I’m getting some solid writing done, but HAHAHA.
I’ll keep everyone, all 3 of you, posted. This is exciting
a cute boy sent me a selfie with his shirt off and asked for a picture of me so I sent him this one. HAHAHA then he left me alone. I take no boys seriously anymore
I have a Tupperware of gummy bears soaking in vodka in my refrigerator and they’re SO EASY to eat so I end up eating at totally inappropriate times. This morning before church, at 9pm tonight alone in my house, yesterday at 2am when my party ended, etc., so many weird etc.’s
When I woke up this morning Achilles was sleeping with her chin cupped in my open hand. She is an angel
For 2 days I’ve been looking for the opportunity to say the word “paradise” so I can shorten it to “p-dise" because I think it’s so funny. But that’s an UNCOMMON word to say so I haven’t gotten to yet. I’m thinking a “trouble in p-dise” scenario, but that hasn’t been applicable yet. someone please help me
In a meeting with a lawyer and LIP GLOSS by LIL MAMA is stuck in my head, singing over and over. It was tough
Achilles loves the smell/potential taste of my new face lotion so she jumps in bed with me and BEELINES toward it. this makes me feel wanted and desired
last week my friend called me an “[effin’] lucky paraplegic” because I can “change pants 10 times a day if you want to.”
so that put things in cool perspective.
my able-bodied friends: don’t forget how cool it is
(another) benefit of living alone. and of not having a boyfriend:
drinking wine and sitting on my front porch alone. It sounds like I’m kidding, but I’m not!!!! also I’m trying to write poetry BUT I’M STILL SO BAD WHEN WILL I GET BETTER.
the wine helps
Things I'll never say "no" to:
a kiss on the face
a date with a boy
and a sugar cookie.
SO MANY COOKIES recently, not enough kisses on the face (or dates with boys) (but I’m soooo okay with that)
Here's my idea and tell me if it's good -
have a stamp made (so easy, relatively cheap) of my phone number and maybe a smile face or something, keep it with me all times, stamp it on the bodies of attractive men, get more dates.
I said it to Bea as a joke but I think I’m on to something. (creepy) (seems desperate) (haven’t had a date in weeks)
I applied for a job that asked if I have a disability, etc. so I had to say yes and it’s reeeeally taken away all my hope that I’ll hear back from them. I don’t know I feel sad about it tonight
the goal of dates these days:
meet a cute boy, put myself in the friend zone.
the Friend Zone.
I have a gaggle (not geese) of attractive male friends with mutual disinterest. it’s the best
I do this thing to Achilles called “Forget To Fill The Food and Water Bowl” but she still loves me so much it’s awesome
my parents keep moving into the same neighborhood as my former high school teachers and staff members. Their new house is NEXT DOOR to my FAVORITE TEACHER from high school/maybe ever. I’m excited about this
on a first date
I told Achilles “I love you” and he thought I was talking to him hahahahahaha. He said “woah. that was fast”
I learn lessonsmy advantage:
when I’m laying in bed and my hands are so cold (every night. why) I can bunch them up against my stomach until they’re warm. I can’t feel hot/cold down there so it’s not uncomfortable at all. suckerssssss. think about it