Having a handicap placard in Florida:
literally useless. Everybody in this state is handicap. 🙂
seeing piece of my hair hanging from Achilles’ mouth
I leave it there because I want her to swallow it to connect us. We are not blood brothers yet but this is close
The only bad thing about an attractive man who FaceTimes me (only*) is I have to remain reasonably attractive in my house while alone. gone are the days
I flirted so hard with my GoDaddy support technician that he signed up for my email mailing list for my new book.
- he sounded very attractive
- he made 2 funny jokes
- I tried to ask him on a date but he lives in Arizona. so. that’s far
(but he gave me his personal email address for future questions. I’m still figuring out how I’m going to utilize this.)
we’re facebook friends, he has my number, we text sometimes, but he still lives in Arizona. so. there you go.
Winter time
is good because I can drink hot tea without my ORGANS BURNING on fire (hot weather, hot tea, not good) but also because before I take a shower, roll to my back porch (night time) in my underwear and sit there for a minute until I’m cold then go straight to a hot shower. THE RUSH
(otherwise, miserable)
My latest trial and error:
How long is too long to stay in your pajamas on a week day? Not too long to take the excitement out of putting your pajamas on at night time, but not too soon to not be able to enjoy a pajama shirt in the morning.
guys! I’m unemployed!
I met an attractive man today who sent me an email. In my response, I wished him luck “in general, with being a red head.”
(I’m killin’ the game)
an advantage
I haven’t been on a date in a long time (~2 weeks. not very long, but also long) and I have one on Thursday that I’m actually EXCITED about. I dated so often for a while that I didn’t even get excited about them anymore but it’s kinda cool to feel excited about boys again
I’ve worn my hair in a ponytail 3 times in the last 17 months and it’s a big deal to me but no one else seems happy for me
I flirted so hard with my GoDaddy support technician that he signed up for my email mailing list for my new book.
- he sounded very attractive
- he made 2 funny jokes
- I tried to ask him on a date but he lives in Arizona. so. that’s far
(but he gave me his email address for future questions. I’m still figuring out how I’m going to utilize this.)
I’m friends with my dentist outside of the office and when I see her in social/non-professional settings I CAN’T be cool. I always steer conversation toward my mouth or the fact that I love to floss my teeth or something. why can’t I be cool about this
(she’s the only person who acts interested in my flossing habits and I want to talk to someone about it SOBADLY.)
I met a guy at a bar (?) who said I’m “really hot” so I KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK and rolled away. I am a grandmother
I got a new printer/scanner/copier and the Achilles Jones Arena is officially MY OFFICE because I WORK FROM HOME and it’s the greatest feeling in the world.
new desk, new file cabinet, and ability to print my documents. life doesn’t get any better.
(that last sentence is sad. hopefully not true I guess)
I bought a pack of 36 pens on eBay that aren’t all the way full of ink and I found a coffee shop with an attractive waiter on Cary Street so my new deal is go to the coffee place with a new pen, write a story until it runs out of ink, go home. They also don’t charge me for tea bags (because I’m there so often? because of my beauty? choose your adventure) so my bladder is full, urinary tract so healthy. Mid-day work week freedom is the greatest part of my life right now