Talking to a nurse (aid) and she says “you’re so pretty do you have a boyfriend?”
I said no.
She asks “when is your birthday?”
“Oh you’re a Virgo that’s why you’re single.” Then she STOMPED and turned around toward the door hahahaha. but she didn’t walk out because she stayed and talked to me for 40 more minutes. But the drama. So funny
I thought the lady across the hall (who I caught watching me admiring my armpit hair- long beautiful locks) was waving “hello” to me but she was really signaling that she needed my help getting a nurse. And all I did was SMILE and WAVE BACK. I’m failing at this place
What is it called when I cry because the dogs in the Westminster Dog Championship are very cute? Is that a happy-cry or what
Benefit of being in the hospital in Florida:
all the nurses compare me to their other patients, mostly old and moan a lot (i.e. everyone in this state), so they stay and talk to me more than normal. So far I’ve sold 2 books and have a new Facebook follower.
(small victories). ok I’ll stop posting about the hospital. it’s really not that exciting
I’m such a PT rat that I slept on the hospital’s theraband at night. I’m prepared to do tricep extensions in. my. sleep.
(jk about the rat part)
I steered my doctor to a wound on my butt by telling him to “look at dat ass” so clearly I’m getting too comfortable here
Whenever a nurse comes in my room (too often, seriously) i squeak for some reason. It sounds like “he-igh” except high pitched. I don’t know why I do it
Also whenever I’m in the hospital (not often but it has happened before) he runs to the white board on the wall and changes my name. This time I’m “Little Baby” and for some reason the nurses are leaving it there
New hospital, new white board.
Nope, there’s no story behind this. Dad just nicknamed me Blade
Dad is in my hospital room playing Toon Blast at max volume and keeps shouting “you jelly?” at me whenever he scores points. I’ve never been embarrassed of him but he’s trying v hard
Secret out: I’m in the hospital for the next 6 weeks
I matched with a man on Bumble who offered (his idea) to come visit me, first date, in my hospital bed. something about these Florida boys
I have a cut on my nose and I don’t know how it got there but I like how the scab looks so I don’t really ever want it to fall off. sucks
My 2019 resolution change was to stop caring too much and say no to people and stand up for myself.
I KNOW THESE ARE SILLY but today: I transferred into a chair at church and out my foot on my wheelchair seat because it was more comfortable. Looked weird, didn’t care.
Then I told a man who was making me uncomfortable to stop. Saying no & standing up for myself.
(off to a good start) !
Mom ate a snack 6 days ago so we call her “Snackhead” now and she responds to it. tiny victories
I’m thankful to vacation from virginia where everyone had bad breath the last week I was there (what’s UP with that)
my nighttime ritual has become eating 700 tortilla chips before brushing my teeth. no matter what time it is, 700 tortillas. what is wrong with me
I’m going to Florida for 2 months and I TRYING NOT TO have a Last Day of School mentality (“it doesn’t matter because I’ll be gone soon anyway”) but it’s super hard. best not to go on any more dates until I leave but I’m doingitanyway hahaha
underneath the face cradle of the massage table is a puddle of snot that dripped from my nose. am I cute
Having a boyfriend/fiancé/husband is GREATANDEVERYTHING, but better is getting the bedroom (on vacation) with two double beds and jumping back and forth (one for when I take a shower before bed, one for shower during the day).
Achilles moves to the other bed in the middle of the night, though, and that makes me angry