one more video because I’m excited. Today was our first day shooting and it was the coolest ever. stay tuned (tooned) for things and probably pictures and me telling you how COOL AND ODD it is to see these people acting out the horrible dates I went on in 2017. giddy up
sometimes Chris is upset or frustrated or talking passionately and all I can think about is that he’s attractive. I feel bad for not focusing on what he’s saying but I just love him so much.
My new habit is eating DESSERT after breakfast. Just an Oreo- it’s ok.
So we’re at friend’s house this weekend and Chris just made me an egg and bacon. I should have packed some Oreos in my bag? Lesson learned. Am I too much
I’m trying to do my work but Chris is farting the Star Spangled Banner (with his mouth. don’t worry about us)
Date Me (my book) is being made into a tv show! We’re filming in July, and we’re fully casted (me, a fencing rival, my dad, best friend Katie, and 2 men to date) for the pilot episode. I’ll post a video about it on Monday! this is going to be reeeeeally cool
I forgot to post it on Monday, but it’s Saturday so here it is:
toss a couple bucks! it’s for a GOOD CAUSE: my fame and fortune.
jk - none of my projects make fortune. but one day, maybe?
I just get so EXCITED when I buy 2 new dresses to add to my closet of 200 dresses. we all understand
we met with our wedding DJ today —
I told him my favorite artists are Beyoncé and Sinatra, so let’s see what happens here
Now that I’ve flossed regularly for years, the first thing I look at when I talk to people is IN BETWEEN THEIR TEETH. I went to lunch with a guy today and I just wanted to floss ‘em. so gross
All vendors booked, all bridesmaids confirmed, and our flower girls said YES. 9 more months until I marry this guy.
Someone just told me he “cannot imagine a life without your comics,” so that’s why everyone should sign up ( or follow me (IG @greater.things.comics) 🙃
Now that I have Boob Tape (bra-replacement bought for my wedding dress. ouch? TBD), I can wear any dress I want without straps. I’m very excited the world is my cucumber
last night and today are the first times since November [when Chris moved in] that I’ve had the house to myself so I’m TRYING to LIVE IT UP and do something WILD but all I did last night was watch Netflix in my bed until 12am, and all I’ve done so far today is listen to a podcast on full volume. I’ve forgotten how to be fun, I think