clocking in at $400 spent on Christmas presents this year so far. It’s my favorite holiday, clearly, but goooood heavens
Unofficial holiday pictures, official first Christmas tree pictures as a COUPLE, an engaged couple. Zoom on Achilles’ face
Lately I’ve been waking up at 2, 3am to go to the bathroom (ugh) and Chris is sleeping next to me like a silent angel (no snoring, praise Jesus) and it’s HARD to not wake him up because i want to say hi
I’m EXCITED to have babies (said me, never. But we talked about it tonight and I feel it). who am I
Chris left on Friday morning to go camping until Monday night and I forgot what his voice sounds like by Friday evening. Now it’s Monday morning and I hardly remember what he looks like. what does this mean
I Googled, I diagnosed Achilles with a skin disease, then I cried for an hour. TURNS OUT she only had clogged hinney glands, so this day has been a roooooooller coaster. i’m ok i’m ok
I did this whole interview (for Christian Writers Bookshop) with my bra hanging in the background. Hahahahaha perfect (?!)
I just met with (Zoomed with) a girl with a new spinal cord injury who is at a NEW and BEAUTIFUL hospital that I toured/modeled for their advertising. She told me she was there and my first question to this poor girl was “are you LOVING that hospital, isn’t it great??”
She said she isn’t, realizes I’m an absolute loony, and might never hear from her again. it’s ok
He turned 29, she turned eight. I love her so much and she’s getting older (same with him)
I’ve (so unintentionally) lost 13lbs since last year, so I celebrated by eating 13 cookies last night. THIRTEEN cookies.
I went engagement-shoot-outfit shopping with mom yesterday and we only went to 3 stores and I thought I was going to DIE. like, actually die. How do people enjoy this
I told Chris about a man that bullied me and he said he was going to pee on him.
“I’ll pee on his head, Kristin. I’ll take him to PeePee Town.”
(my fiancé, my protector)
I’m feeding Achilles a new dog food that makes her TOOT. we can either smell or hear them from everywhere in the house. it’s not big enough to get away from them
I’ve had a ziploc bag with Galaxy’s (our cat) teeth in it in my desk since November. Someone give me a craft idea?
What to do with: 6 extracted teeth from a cat I don’t really like and who definitely doesn’t like me.
(Chris tells me to THROW THEM AWAY but they seem too important)
We made a family mission statement and I cry every time I read it
(and it’s on our fridge. this is going to be fUuUn)
My secret is out: I farted in the room with Chris today. (then cry-laughed for 25 minutes afterward.) I haven’t been this happy for all of 2020