Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’m in this silly routine of only shaving one leg at a time, but getting out of it means Id have to shave one leg that doesn’t need to be shaved. I won’t, I don’t have time for that. This is the pickle I’m in please help

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and Christopher has a hernia. I SCREAM pain when I transfer, push my wheelchair, straighten out my arm, and he SCREAMS pain when he walks or extends himself at all.

I just think we’re the cutest. Obnoxious and alarming to anyone else, but we got hurt together so this makes us lovebirds

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

These days I just get so excited when something doesn’t cost $10,000. help me

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’m FINALLY to the point in my life that I don’t have to wear the same pair of pants several times before washing them. I have enough pairs of pants now. Haleloo life is good

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I went on my first bike ride in my new neighborhood last week(!) after ~a month of not working out [because we were moving]. I coughed mid-ride and almost threw up, I guess because I'm out of shape? But then I saw a young girl and dog on her front porch so I held it back.

not trying to scar anyone.

or, missed an opportunity to give a memory she'll keep

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

moving into a bigger house means we have more room for Achilles’ furniture. Today, she haaaaas

  • A mini couch

  • A larger chair

  • A bunk bed

  • A drawer set

  • Two sections of the cabinet in the living room

    a bigger closet for me also means I can see how TOO MANY clothes I own. So I’ve stopped buying for myself, and started buying for her. what does it mean to save

    (jk I’m also saving)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

It’s fun to see ex boyfriends’ birthdays come and go without my noticing because it’s like a day that used to mean a lot to me now means nothing at all. I don’t even care

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I like to zoom in on girls’ Facebook pictures on my iPad and see the places they applied makeup to conceal their zits. This is a GAME to me, ya see

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

An interesting revelation:

My wheelchair is a cool part of who I am and I’m proud of it - I knew that. But then I introduced myself to my new neighborhood’s Facebook group and I CAUGHT MYSELF looking for a picture of us specifically that shows my wheelchair. caught me bein’ good. This is a small thing but also a cool thing. I’m proud of myself

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

The effect that moving to the country has is I want to disconnect from everyone. Quit social media and throw away my phone.

never been tempted to before? why is that an impulse? I won’t, but I’m tempted

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I finally got to hear Galaxy (our cat) peeing in the litter box. I’m very excited about this. right place, right time

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

[I’m blessed and spoiled because] Christopher raaarely snores and when he snores it’s never loud. But when he does I nudge him awake then lay very still, sometimes fake sleep-breathe so he won’t know it was me.

Then that sometimes makes me giggle but he wears earplugs to bed so it doesn’t give me away. Also he wears earplugs because I snore so I have nothing to say about this

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

We moved I to our new house yesterday(!) and I’m having FUN WITH FIRSTS.

  • first avocado toast

  • first floss

  • first poop

  • first sleep

  • first vitamin swallow

    and my list is so long. Christopher’s enthusiasm about it is waning.

    I had the same amount of “lasts” in the old house, but my feelings were more complicated back then

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

-- we're moving this week, so I'm uncovering a bunch of old stuff. 

found -  goals for one night, April 21st. attn: ignite a divorce; convince someone you are their sister then invite on a date; lose 3 pounds

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I think about other people’s death a lot, since I was a teenager. Not KILLING other people, but with them dying early. Specifically Achilles when we go to sleep at night. I get scared she won’t be alive when I wake up, so I rub her and rub her and rub her until my hand hurts and I’m asleep. My fears benefit others, but they rule me

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

My mom just said she loves me more than poop, so. How much does yours love you?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

(my other sponsor child got married) (?) so I just started sponsoring the most beauuutiful girl through Compassion International. Trying to write her a letter and I can’t stop being awkward. I just can’t. It took 20 minutes to write 4 lines then I attached a picture of Achilles, so maybe that'll help

"you're really pretty. I wish I could be with you"

"your smile is good. how do you have fun?"

"what kind of games do you play outside?"

somebody help

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Someone named CRUNCHY CHLAMYDIA friend requested Christopher on Discord. (he blocked them, for some reason tho)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’ve called Christopher “Baby Joe” six times today I don’t know why but it’s so funny. I love them both so much I can’t keep them straight. It’s sweet, if you think about it?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I went to a restaurant for dinner and ordered just brussel sprouts (?). Thought the man at the table next to us literally pooped his pants. Then the smell followed us out the door. Then into my car. THEN I REALIZED it’s my takeout box of sprouts. Hahahaha, it smells like actual poop

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