I’m 4.5 months pregnant and it still alarms me sometimes when I look down and see my bigger belly. It’s remembering I have a reason (baby), it’s grace, it’s still weird.
(I know most people do this, but I usually don’t SO IT’S EXCITING to me)
Now that I’m pregnant, I sometimes eat chips at >9 PM and AFTER I’ve brushed my teeth and AFTER dinner. I told Christopher “I feel like I’m a freshman in college, just moved out of my parents’ house” and he says “is that as exciting as college got for you?”
hahahaha yes
Christopher went to the grocery store and came home with 6 bags of chips + protein bars. AND he made pancakes this morning. I’m somehow even jealous of myself
The best part of my pregnancy so far has been p cakes for breakfast. Christopher made some with banana slices cooked INSIDE them today
I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or if I’m just excited about the things I do (take a shower, break down my wheelchair, cook breakfast), but I reach to fat burn zone for most of my day these days. cool BEANS
it’s my last Christmas where Achilles is my only bby, so I just bought her tonssss of presents, so many squeakers, blankets, and bones. tons
Somehow I’ve changed the Instagram algorithm to show me reels of people giving birth, breastfeeding, and delivering their own babies in public. please help
Sometimes I wake up and don’t feel like I’m going to barf! THOSE MORNINGS are when I worry I’m not pregnant anymore. (I am, I take lots of tests, and I’ve just grown comfortable in my nausea)
[I’m pregnant so] I’m gonna be a big gal in a wheelchair for the first time and LEMME TELL YA. it’s limiting. I’Ce already decided on the places I won’t go once I’m large because I don’t want Christopher to lift me up the stairs&into the bathroom & hurt his back. I’m excited to have my body back!!! but with a baby. Week 13, it’s still kinda weird
Now that I’m pregnant and I have DREAMS, I wake up in morning (9:30, 10AM. it’s ok) and it’s like I forget what it’s like to be out of bed. What the real world is like outside my covers. And I don’t really wanna find out!!!!
but then I eat cinnamon swirl bread for breakfast (!!) and I’m ok with reality again. But in bed it feels impossible
I said on 03/30/22 :
I don’t get why women are so sensitive about being called “fat” when they’re pregnant???? I can’t wait to be fat, and not just because it’ll mean I’m pregnant. I just can’t wait to be fat
(sometimes food just SITS THERE, on my belly. I need an excuse)
I finally get to be fat. and I was right, it’s the best. I have an excuse for all the fruit(?) milk(?) avocado(?) I’m consuming. So lame
Added effect: calling my maternity clothes my “fat clothes”
Christopher says "ALL YOUR CLOTHES SMELL LIKE MILDEW" but I say no they don't, they smell normal. so either: 1. I'm right or 2. mildew is normal to me, and I've grown to like/accept it. come get me, boys
(jk I’m married)
A hack: when you’re hanging out with people who aren’t fun, interesting, or that give you a headache, think “this is the last time I’ll see him/her/them ever again.”
I hung out with people today that’ll never come over to my house again and I’ll never see them again. It was tough but coulda been worse
Benefits of being paralyzed, cont’d:
In bed when my hands are cold, I can lay them on my warm belly until they’re back to normal. and I can’t feel the cold discomfort! Welcome, winter
I love having my own sink because I can leave all my eyebrow hairs in there with no one to fuss about it