I’m constantly putting on outfits that are not cute because “ I’m taking a shower this morning and I’ll put on a new outfit afterward, so I don’t wanna waste something that looks good on ~2 hours,” then next thing I know it’s 8pm and I haven’t showered yet. So, I just keep wearing ugly outfits. Today it’s polka dots. I’m wearing polka dots, who am I
I just got out of the shower, looked at the clock (18 minutes), and thought “oh, a quick one.” Am I at a stage higher or lower in life than when they took 10 minutes?
some people take vacations, I take 20 minute showers (don’t tell Christopher) (he knows)
I’m calling protein “p-teen” and pancakes “p-cakes” and Christopher hasn’t made me stop yet. HAHA how much will be too much? Malachi has a pineapple toy, so I’ll try “p-apple.” standby. how far can I take this
- maybe I’m getting carried away, but -
I buy Malachi clothes that don’t fit him (too big) so he’ll be able to wear them for a long time. (He’s 10 months old and) Now he’s wearing size 3-4 years, but I just bought 4-5 year old shirts. whaaat, Kristin
“Carried away,” or “so economical?” Baby/toddler clothes are so cute and fun. now he can wear them for yeeeears and years
I still cry sometimes, I just cry when I look at Malachi because I love him so much. When will I normalize
Malachi cries when I sing literally any other song(?!) but he doesn’t when I sing the United States Marines fight song??? stop, nooo
My husband, the nooormal one, lost track of time because he was watching a movie. I lost track of time because I was listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. It’s like watching a MOVIE does anyone agree with this
The saddest part of my winter this year has been trying to turn the water hotter while I’m in the shower, and it’s already as hot as it goes.
(so, it has been a good winter. but this is still bad)
I tried taking a nap today (we’re trying new things!):
I put Malachi to sleep
Went to the bathroom
Packed a Wake-Up snack (popcorn)
Set my phone to airplane
Lured Achilles into bed with me
then I just laid in bed for 20 minutes, eating popcorn. Good effort, girl
At what point in my marriage did I go from “I really like this man so I want to impress him” to “ I’ll just wear my garbage shirt because the only person that’ll see me today is Christopher?”
Being in a [healthy] marriage is cool because I get to LIVE with the most attractive person I KNOW. that just dawned on me
Slight detour from regular content
My Papa died this week (94 years old!!) and he’s 100% in heaven right now. It’s still very sad and I miss him tonsss but how COOL is it that he is in heaven, with Jesus, out of pain, hanging out with everyone else?? It just blows my mind. What a privilege we have to love Jesus and go there when we die. a PRIVILEGE. I’m sad for myself but so so so happy for that. it’s a privilege, y’all. eat some pie
(that’s my nose, poking through the crib) I’m obsessed. I can’t just LET HIM go to sleep are you kiddin’ me
I came to breakfast and Christopher had a really sweet Valentine’s Day card on my table. I said “You remembered! Thank you for the card” and he says he has used the SAME CARD for the past THREE YEARS but I don’t remember. And I say the same thing “you didn’t sign it, so you can reuse this card” EVERY YEAR. ❤️ brain injury, memory loss
I have a new tactic of responding to scammers via Facebook (there are sooo many??) by saying “you’re under arrest” to make the stop. To scare them? It usually doesn’t work but it JUST WORKED. he apologized and blocked me
I’ve had the US Air Force and Marine Corps fight songs in my head for the past three days. Malachi has probably heard them both 15 times, but I’m not in indoctrinating because he’s not allowed to join the military!!!!
I started off the day with the best intentions of putting on an ugly outfit to wear just until I take a shower at Malachi’s first nap around 11am (so I wouldn’t waste a good outfit with a few hours’ wear). But next thing I know it’s 4:30pm and I still haven’t showered, still wearing a butt ugly outfit. God bless
I still wear a shirt that I won in a contest when I was in 9th grade, but now it has a hole in the armpit the size of my fist. But I CAN’T throw it away. I feel very attached. Christopher thinks that’s so silly but it’s normal???
I’ve reached an age where (I guess?) people have matured out of wiping their nose on their sleeves. Should I follow suit, or keep doing my own thing?