having a sedentary desk job makes me realize how so, so uncomfortable I am when I sit down. it is so bad
sometimes I love my family so much I can’t believe how happy I am. Rhonda Chris Jessica Achilles
Lessons learned recently:
. allow space for hydroplane in rain
. when (if) you nail someone from behind, collect both persons insurance information
. call the police to file a report
. ask for pictures of damage and copy of repair assessment before agreeing to reimbursement cost
. be nice because it might pay off
whenever Douglas finally says he loves me I have 2 Beyoncé songs I plan to sing (reward or punishment?)
I have been waiting 5 years to sing these songs to someone
I got new front wheels/casters put on my chair! and now they light up SUPER bright. see me comin
sometimes after weekends away or long days at work I forget I have a boyfriend and live my life as a single woman. but then Douglas does something great like come over or call me! and its like I’ve never been happier
update: no monkey. I’m scared Achilles will be jealous, think she is second. Can’t take the chance
I’m text messaging with a couple of monkey breeders and they ask me
“do you want me to send you pictures?” and one said “hi ;) do you like my monkeys?” , etc.
this feels dirty
I just emailed a man about purchasing a finger monkey. maybe
but look. he’s fully grown. oh my gosh
I inquired!
employees at Townebank don’t pee on the toilet seats like employees/clients at Boleman. it’s so relaxing
the past 3 times I’ve walked into Dad’s office he has been watching the BET channel. i don’t know that’s kind of funny to me
I clicked on the “Other” link of my Facebook messages and found so many gems I’ve never seen before. I guess Facebook filters spam?
hello i cant add you can you add me please
garl “
Lol hi it’s Zachary from tumblr! I asked if I could add you! :))))“
“ I came across your profile and thought I’d drop you a quick hello. I just wanted to send you some good vibes. Feel free to write back if you like. :)”
too many creepy messages to put in one post/in my inbox.