Jonathan has called me “Kbear” for years already so I think it’s too late to break his habit. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it?
I have an under-skin-dried-blood mark (ew? but you know what I’m talking about) on my toe that looks like the bat symbol.
This means something.
one year and 2 months later, it is still EXTREMELY EXCITING to me when Douglas asks if “we have plans on (day)?” and/or when someone asks “where is Douglas?” I am a caregiver
I challenged Mom to a How Many Pieces of Popcorn Can You Fit In Your Mouth? contest when she gets home from the river and she bought two bags to “practice with” in the meantime. I am also practicing. Game ON
I told Dad that Douglas took me to dinner and he started writing a children’s book called Doogles and Baby Go To Dinner.
on the first page we learn Baby likes chicken. Doogles knows that.
spoiler: Doogles makes chicken nachos for Baby
I drank Irish Breakfast tea and my despondency is completely gone and I feel like a NEW BABY. I have so much energy. It’s so difficult to have a desk/computer job right now
Douglas put our relationship on a point system and he keeps adding and deducting points from me: -50 points for being argumentative(?); +100 points for telling him he’s “hood”; etc. I need 500 points to be able to watch him shave his face on Saturday (??) and this is a dictatorship. I only need 150 more, though
I had a lecture from IT Department at work because my login password is “Password123.” HAHAHAHA
I gave my 11 year old neighborhood friend my cell phone number, told him I’ll invite him to my housewarming party, and said yes when he asked if I “text back.” Hindsight says probably wasn’t smart. if he starts text messaging me I am in a pickle
last month Douglas sang/played me this song on his guitar for our anniversary and I heard it on the way to work today AND MY EYES were kind of CRYING. it’s a weird thing to do when you’re happy but it just made me so happy. see how soft I have become. so soft
At my new office I finally got my hands on one of those big calculators that print the numbers as you type and sound like typewriters. Finally!!! But I don’t have any calculations to make except for “80087355” like I am in middle school. I printed it and save in my desk drawer and I hope someone finds it