I saw a lady acquaintance at the Dollar Store today and we were talking about how I’m out of work until September, etc.
I’m not bored at home and I don’t know what this analogy means, but I told her “I’m as bored as a lamb.”
She said “bored as a lamb” back to my very quietly and we stood there until - thank God - Mom walked up. I don’t know why that happened
I don’t like spending my money on boring things and a property tax bill is a BORING THING.
The nice comments people are leaving on Facebook are making me cry. I am just so happy to share this
I went on a date tonight and I looked REALLY GOOD but he still didn’t kiss me so now I’m questioning everything
the most romance in my life these days is a cinnamon candle and FaceTime calls from Katie and Jenna
Achilles doesn’t like the dried peas (?) that are part of her dog food so my living room rug is scattered with peas she spits out of her mouth
I listen to my playlist of 4 Beyoncé albums and Eric Clapton album on shuffle and the artist-mix is dramatic. It’s like I’m confused
We went to a wine tasting tonight and they had free cheese on plates laying out! I found my favorite cheese in the store and told mom to try it because it’s good and she said THAT’S BUTTER.
oh gosh I ate a huge chunk of butter by accident.
I haven’t eaten butter in so long that I thought it was cheese?! I see why everyone likes it so much. also I’m living in regret
A 12 year old told my mom she thinks I’m beautiful so now I get nervous when she comes over (only twice in 3 days but still) and change out of my river-bummy clothes into a dress or something. Tonight I wore a turtle neck shirt because I heard she might be here (she wasn’t) so it’s like I’m scared she’ll change her mind. I have a responsibility