I made up a song for Achilles about UTIs and I’ve been singing it a lot today it is very funny. Thank God I live alone
Times you shouldn’t use text message
when you’re apologizing and it’s genuine (STOP TEXT MESSAGING YOUR IMPORTANT FEELINGS).
when you’re flaking on plans (shout out to all the boys I’ve dated in the past 3 ½ months).
when you’re asking someone on a date. it’s okay to text message this but a phone call would be ideal (boys are dumb).
there is probably more but I can’t think of them right now becauseIneedtogogetreadyforchurch. but please just learn the basics.
I dressed Achilles up like a lady (beautiful blue sweater dress with a snowflake on it) but she’s skipping around my house humping all things. I am tying to teach etiquette
I went to bed last night in tears because of how terrible I was being treated by someone but then I woke up this morning at like 4am after a dream I had where another dude was mean to me ( /my life reality recently ) and I was dealing with that. But then this song (? weird) was also playing over and over in my head. I FORGOT ABOUT it because it’s not very good and from a long time ago. But I was singing it (not aloud) when I woke up from that dream and after a bad night. IS THIS COOL. maybe it’s the clearest message God has sent me, by way of Hailee Steinfeld and her bad music. or maybe it’s not I don’t know
I’ve started a bad habit of eating a multivitamin for breakfast and having a hunger-headache by 10:30 BUT I DO NOT LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES
Kris and I are looking at flights to New Zealand now— my dreams coming true. My favorite man on my dream vacation WHAT IF I DO
I just went on a date with
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. minus the ponytail with the bow. He was beautiful but I might never talk to him again
sometimes Achilles gets really close to my face then blows her snot in my eye or mouth. she is beautiful
Which party would you rather go to:
One that starts at 5:30
or one that starts at 17:30?
I think I enjoy the hunt of the sale of bottles of wine more than I enjoy drinking it? 6 bottles of wine in my refrigerator right now and I just bought 3 more. BUT FOR ONLY $3!!! It’s time for a party
I have Mom trained with a reward/punishment system with emojis similar to how Pavlov trained his dogs. I’ve been working on her for a very long time and finally it works every time
I invited 3 of the boys I’ve been on 2+ dates with in the past 3 weeks over to my house in Saturday. THIS IS EXCITING
I drank a mug of caffeine and planned a Halloween party for this Saturday. Literally laughing and bouncing in my wheelchair cushion while I sent the invitations
the email said “trick or treating, photoBOOth, and Halloween games for your dog” but when we got to Petsmart there were no other dogs there, they gave me a coupon for treats, and it was only this photo border. disappointment. but this picture