from my Amazon book page: “Kristin Beale has been a feature writer for Action magazine, several newsletters, and numerous online blogs. She lives in Richmond, Virginia with her dog, Achilles. Visit her website at”
HAHAHA do I sound lonely orwhat
the coolest thing in my world right now is to get Greater Things pre-orders from strangers. (179 pre-orders so far!!!)
I had the throw-ups yesterday and today Achilles had a BALL playing with my [clean] barfing bucket. I think this means we will be together forever
my smoke alarm has been beeping for the past 2 days [and my friend has come over 3 times to try to fix it but he couldn’t] AND FINALLY I called the fire station to change the battery and 3 attractive men came to help me. There were 3 of them and they were all attractive I don’t get it. like how
“I only subscribe to 2 vlogs, and one of them is Casey Anthony”
Richard, a guy I met at a party tonight (also the coolest guy).
I just signed up for adaptive rowing, tennis, and handcycling at a sports expo. literally every human I talked to, I signed up for their sport. the word here is “impulse.”
if anyone is wondering how I pump myself up before I go out
out to the grocery store, my parents’ house for dinner, to the mailbox. anywhere, really
David Roche - inspirational humorist
this guy is the coolest. I am very honored. this is also the guy I sent a creepy email to, so I am validated. (mini-celebs, mini-celebs)
I went on a date with a guy and he was cool but 4 times he licked/popped 3 of his fingers in his mouth really quickly. Like he was licking something off them (?) but we were eating sandwiches and they were clean
starts with a dead car battery/call to AAA, ends with 3 kisses on the cheek and a book sale. I CHARMED HIM.
sent out a super creepy email to a celebrity tonight - but this was a minor celebrity so I was able to get his personal email address. I did this many times to attractive men in college and it never turned out fantastic.
the other celebrity I contacted via Instagram message. nottachance that’s going to work. good initiative, though
Sometimes (twice today) I think about something that I contemplated including in my book, but can’t remember if I did or not. So I go to my final manuscript and search for it and every time so far it has been included. I’m about to have no more secrets and/or private inner dialogue aaaand it’s terrifying, actually
I am freaking
to stand up for myself
and can only do it via text message [because as soon as I see a face I’ll start smiling and loving and forgiving] but I LOVE IPHONE because I can send a confrontation text message with fireworks in the background! Or balloons! to soften my blow and end in love. sneaky
watching American Horror Story means I will never, ever open my door to someone I don’t know again.
Another benefit: I won’t have to buy cookie dough, candles, cookies, popcorn, and almost a security system from neighborhood kids anymore
Lessons from last night
when I drink enough alcohol all I do is love everything/one and proclaim it. It’s beautiful unless there’s an attractive man/potential mate around me, then it becomes too much and I will probably scare off all the boys like this
on my phone I have a video of an attractive man winking at me and I won’t say how many times I’ve watched it but it might be 400