THEY’RE HERE. only my first 10 copies (500 on the way 🙃), but I am so overwhelmed. I can’t believe this is real(!). . It’s almost time to throw a PARTY
I’m spending this Valentine’s Day planning a trip to Moscow alone next year (at the end of this year?). embracing/accepting this loneliness
BOOKED - 2018 Carnival cruise to Grand Turk, Puerto Rico, St Kitts, St Marteen.
I’m going with friends, but I’ll have a cabin to myself at least. very excited
I’ve started to write poetry about the dates I go on because why not. it’s the only good thing I get out of them and I go on too many. (despondent)
last night we went to SILVER DINER and I ordered A SIDE OF VEGETABLES because it was 9:00pm. I think this guy was gay.
I’m spending this Valentine’s Day planning a trip to Moscow alone next year (at the end of this year?). embracing/accepting this loneliness
Popcorn is definitely not for sharing.
Popcorn is for realizing how wide your mouth can actually get.
I dated 2 Douglas’ in a row and tonight I went on a date with a guy with a different name, breaking my trend. But then after 2 hours of hanging out with him, he told me HIS REAL NAME IS DOUGLAS BUT HE CHANGED IT TO JACK. what is this
I just switched Bible studies solely because the attractive leader of the first one is already engaged to be married. HAHA what are my motives
One of the hardest parts of 2017 so far has been giving up Cashew Clusters for 2 weeks before Nick & Danielle’s wedding. Saturday is almosttttt here it’s almost here
I just went on a first date with a guy for lunch to a restaurant that’s my new favorite (Pit and the Peel, Richmond folks) and he asked if we could take a picture together at the end? “because you’re a really strong person.” I don’t know if he was talking about my biceps orrrrr
also is that weird? I’ll probably never see him again but he has a picture of us on his phone.
sometimes I get in these moods where I get so happy and so full of love BUT I LIVE ALONE so I just go online and order presents then “like” a bunch of statuses on Facebook. Today so far I’ve spent $38 for surprises for some of the people I love a lot .(11am)
I laid awake in bed last night like a middle schooler going on a field trip, EXCITED for this day trip to Charlottesville today. I found a bookstore. and a tea bazaar. and a South African restaurant. and an art gallery. and best of all I’m going alone.
I found a stand-alone tea bag in my drawer that tastes like a strawberry poptart. an unexpected, GLORIOUS Wednesday treat
I want to be close enough with a boy that I can email him an evite to “my heart” and it’ll be funny and not creepy
In the middle of an argument I told Chris that I’m “single as a Pringle” and good thing it was via text because I made a hilarious mid-dispute comparison that he would not have liked or laughed at. he ignored it
there is one bill this month that I’m not paying because I hope it’ll just go away. ((A+ adult))
I’m really excited about my new nickname for chicken nuggets and I’m searching hard for context so I can say it.
searching, always searching