I swiped right on a guy (Bumble) and was very excited about how attractive he is and excited that we matched but
he told me the picture isn’t him. It’s Collin Farrell the actor (I thoughtttt he was familiar). such a bummer
my friend told me to tell her know when I’m “having one of your famous parties” and this is the greatest honor. No. Greater. Honor.
I just gave my number to an attractive man at a stoplight shouting out of my window. Who AM I and what happened
a man I’ve dated for 1 week gave me surprise roses today then when I reached for them he said “the next spontaneous gift I give you will be Eucerin hand lotion.” he is a fast learner and also Kristin, ew
I went to the hospital:
to teach a Wheelchair Skills class (?!) and I’ve never seen so many attractive men in one place (working as nurses). Even though I’m wearing a dress and car keys I felt like I had to clarify “I WAS DISCHARGED IN 2005 I’M NOT A PATIENT HERE” so they won’t be afraid to ask me on a date. but still no one did I don’t understand
a gross boy on Bumble asked me to take a picture “aimed lower…to show me what you’re wearing” because I GUESS HE THOUGHT it was going to be something cute or sexy. so I took a headless closeup of my size XL Prudential Residential Mortgage sweatshirt and hahah he just said “ok nice”
Reasons I love Aldi:
the price of my wine was reduced from $2.89 to $2.59
the price of my toilet paper was reduced from $.60 (for 4 rolls) to $.49
Karma is (not but seemingly is) real. I have been very good
what kind of logic is going through people’s heads when they sit and eat lunch with me for 1+ hours AND DECIDE NOT TO TELL ME I have food stuck in my front, middle teeth
I’m a member of four sports teams right now + I ride my handcycle >4 times per week so I might be broken, dead, injured by the end of the summer. ok
Riding 0.6 miles in my hand cycle with the emergency brake still on.
filed under: Fun Things I Do To My Body!
“Playing it cool” does not work with boys when you (I) says things like “I wasn’t going to talk to you until tomorrow because I’m trying to seem cool.” he said “haha okay” but might have scared him away. HAHAHA
I have ants in my house and I don’t think I want them here but I become
when I have to kill one. I don’t know what to do. what do I do about these ants
There are 700 of them now and they are dying in Achilles’ water bowl. death lost has its sting
I learned how to fence last night, went to a tournament this morning and when I left today hahaha I told 2 new friends “see you in Tokyo.”
(the paraolympics are in Tokyo) (why am I so confident)
I have ants in my house and I don’t think I want them here but I become
when I have to kill one. I don’t know what to do. what do I do about these ants
I like to text with non-iPhone users because they can’t see when I’m typing so I can leave messages to myself to be found later. Currently:
“Chill on the enthusiasm, Kristin.”
“Don’t text her until Wednesday afternoon at least.”
“He probably has a girlfriend and treated you like woo.”
These all sound like bummers but it’s a great opportunity and coping mechanism I discovered
I got to pick the restaurant on a first date tonight so I chose a burrito place called Best Friends Forever. subliminal messaging ((friendzoned))