Is it very gross or very thrifty that I picked up to save a pair of socks from the middle of the street while I was riding my bike?? I will wash them of course but I’m excited about how soft and black they are. I used them to wipe my nose while I was riding so that’s definitely very gross.
a man in a lawn asked me mid-ride “how are you doing?” and I misinterpreted that he REALLY WANTED TO KNOW. So I said all the adjectives
“Hot. Tired. Feeling good about myself. Literate. Employed” until he said “heh” and turned around. Hahahaha he just stared at me so I kept going. it was so stup
I told Mom I didn’t want to drink wine tonight “because I might be pregnant” and she just giggled, handed me a bottle of water.
(100% I’m definitely not pregnant) but this was a good test for the future
baby’s first rebellion
I get paid by the hour and don’t clock out when I go to the bathroom (duh. maybe?). sooo I’m getting paid to pee. it’s a rush
Now that I’ve learned Achilles’ pillow positioning, I see that all the couch and bed pillows in my house are post-humped
I found a beetle on my neck (ew) and put him on the table so I can let him outside when I get up. He flipped himself over so i was letting him lay there (clawing at the air) until I finish my chapter but then I looked over and he TOOK HIS LEG OFF. I am so sorry
My new dollar store toothpaste (Colgate though) is blue and when I spit it out, it’s my favorite color turquoise. feels like present from God
after 2 years of living in my house alone I’ve finally done the two most EXCITING things about living alone. Why has it taken me so long.
1. Eat food after I brush my teeth and after dinnertime hours. we’re talking grapes, chips, and a piece of pizza. it was exhilarating. why have I never broken this barrier.
2. Sleep in bed without wearing a full pajama outfit. why have I been wearing so many garments to sleep.
so many questions, no question marks
I’m going through a phase right now where the Baby Bottle Pop jingle is stuck in my head for at least an hour every day.
Maddie held my hand for 4 of 6 minutes of the new Beyoncé music video so why can’t all my friends be like this
SIGNS that I need to slow down (again. ugh) :
I’ve been on 5 dates (different guys) in the past 2 weeks and on 2 of them I forgot their names. Saved by the “hey babe”
I went on a date this weekend, went to the bathroom, realized I wasn’t wearing my right shoe. Looked for it everywhere then and came out to him holding it in the air.
“You left your shoe at the table.”
Hahahaha first impressions
I shout “HI” and “SUP” to birds when I’m on my bike to try to scare them away/make them move and I’m usually good at checking if anyone is around but a man heard watched me do it (~3 times) today and hahaha so confused.
Imagery: a girl and her dog riding down the street on a handcycle yelling “hi” and “what’s up” to seemingly the AIR.
Recently I haven’t been able to go clubs or watch people dancing because I want to do it very badly and it makes me very sad when I can’t in a real way (wheelchair dancing is not a thing). so I started a list of songs that make me feel that way and tonight I added the WOBBLE song (by V.I.C.) to the list. hahahahaha. but really
someone asked me this morning at the doctors office if my high school is closed because of flooding.
I had to say
“no, ma’am. I graduated 10 years ago.”
(my body hasn’t grown since 9th grade. not complaining.)
my last day horseback riding (just until Fall) felt like the last day of school
“Keep in touch over the summer, Kristin”
“I’ve enjoyed getting to know you”
“Let me know what happens with the e stim research. Here’s my email address”
BUT I CAN TROT NOW (the horse can and I can stay on his back)
I like to get to dates <10 minutes early so I can sit in my car handicap parking spot (up front) and scope them out first as they go in. But today I TOLD the guy that’s what I’m doing so he’s going to discover me. got too comfortable, told my secrets.
also I’m wearing a sweatshirt and it’s 86° outside. what is this
I had a dream where I found a place on 4th street (?) full of books and that let anyone take all the books they want for free as long as you give them your name and promise to take care of them. When I woke up I was very excited about the store and very sad it was only a dream but then realized it does exist. THE LIBRARY.
my emotions are on rollercoaster this morning