I showered/scrubbed at my face last night to get this eye makeup off but it didn’t all go away so today & maybe tomorrow is smoky eye days #2&3. I’m not mad about it. SOPHISTICATED they said I looked but at this point it is a raccoon.
I’m in DC today for a photo shoot for “a campaign” for the DEA but that’s all I know so I might be the new poster child for the heroin epidemic? A picture of success&sobriety? I didn’t ask them, they didn’t tell me. Those are two dramatic options BUT WOULDNT the first one be funny
I don’t know why I do it but I keep giving my Bumble dates advice on their dating profiles. like I tell them how to fix it. I should say YOU’VE FOUND ME. DELETE IT but the boys I go on dates with are all so wackkkkkkkkkkkkk
A man sitting on the median at my stoplight asked me for money (I also saw him playing on an iPhone behind his “help me” sign last week so whatever) and I don’t have any - in general or in my cup holders - so I offered him my used chapstick ?????? he said no
Having a wound on my knee for the past 4.5 years has given me a weird love appreciation for other people’s knees- how you can just TOUCH them without hazard. My ex boyfriend thought that was weird and wouldn’t let me cup his knees but I don’t understand why not? let me cup it, pls
I am being v healthy by drinking protein shakes (30g of protein) for 2 meals per day and skipping the third ? NOPE. just broke with no food in the house. (I’m going to the grocery store today after work. do not be alarmed).
benefit: protein is making my wound is heal quickly, though
I tried to practice winking while I was driving but had to stop because I close both of my eyes. BOTH OF MY EYES. somebody teach me
I accidentally told Mom that I’ll eat her ashes after she dies (cremated) so she’ll “be with me forever.” Is this a) THE CREEPIEST or b) very sweet
No matter how well this man works out ( I hope it’s well), I decided that there’s no reason to ever compromise on getting “good morning” texts in the mornings. (kinda silly but they’re the BEST)
7 people SEVEN PEOPLE waved at me, 2 of them stopped for conversation today while I was riding my handcycle (usually I’m ignored). This made me happy.
I think it’s because I wasn’t wearing a shirt but I can’t be sure? or are people just v friendly
I bought pesto at a farmers market last week and it’s VERY GOOD but I found a hair in it during dinner and ate it anyway. Does that speak to how delicious pesto is or how gross I am?
I’m helping tutor (for free. what is that about) a girl in my neighborhood in her Medical Terminology college class and I am THRILLED. She just got an assignment on diseases and I want to do it for her but she said no
at the Olympic Training Center all week so why even pack mascara, right? WHY would I EVER wear it here?
An attractive Olympian (basketball) learned my name and is coming to see us fence and also knows how much I love Beyoncé. There’s thinking ahead, yeah?
Publisher’s Weekly wrote a review of Date Me (this is a big deal) AND IT WAS positive. Check it out! https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-68350-881-6 . And also check out the book at www.kristinbeale.com (you know I can’t make a post without including my website).
Achilles is in her birthday outfit, 9 days early but this is special circumstance.
I’ve always been scared of (? kinda) leaving my house without realizing i don’t have pants on and today on the way to a baseball game
I DID IT. it was funny only because I hadn’t left my driveway yet though. This feels like a SCI initiation phase