Now that Chris sleeps over 5-6 nights per week, I’m having trouble finding time to wear my retainer. when do married women wear their retainers? help
Baby’s first fencing wheelchair
(it looks the same as my normal one but it’s taller and has a lunge bar on my right side). JUST IN TIME for first North American Cup in October. what’s uuuuup
I spoke to a youth group at a church yesterday and the youth minister asked me “is there anything you need?” I don’t need anything so AS A JOKE I told him I need M&Ms, but I only eat the brown ones. So when I got there in my backstage room he set out a water bottle (ok) and two dishes of M&Ms, one with all colors and one with all brown. He picked outtttt the brown ones.
But I don’t like chocolate, so I scooped two handfuls of browns and threw them in the trash can (so wouldn’t think it wasted effort). good follow through. He sent them home with me and I’m taking them to book club tonight. I am a mom
Chris said I have “cornhole bag boobs,” so. What kind of compliments does your boyfriend give you?
A trick
If I think about Resees Puffs when I put roasted&unsalted almonds in my mouth, THEY TASTE LIKE RESEES PUFFS I’m not kidding
Achilles turned 6 last week, Chris and I are talking about marriage, all my wounds are healed. Happy happy
Second week of dating a guy and he took off work to book a non-refundable hotel room with me in Asheville, NC for the end of July. what am I dOoOoing.
This is one of them that I invited over to play Sorry, so that was a good plan after all (?!)
UPDATE. the trip was perfect and we still love each other. things feel way too good to be real
Chris thought I was hurt/something wrong when he saw my sleeve but it was just wet from the snot I wiped. I am a lady
I went to my mailbox in my underwear and t shirt (UNNECESSARY RISK) because I thought i wouldn’t get caught but two Nepali women saw me. literally they stopped dead in their tracks and stared
Dating | Guest Blogger Kristin Beale - Blog
I publish all this material about how dating sucks, is hard, not worth it BUT I’m dating an angel and could not possibly be happier. (huh)
But look! GUEST BLOGGER, Superman’s blog
I told Mom I’m not wearing a bra to dinner tonight (at her house, chris is coming) and she talked for 3 minutes about “don’t give up, Kristin. Just because you’re dating someone doesn’t mean you can let yourself go.”
HAHAHA. ok fine
Chris and I are learning sign language so we can talk to each other in secret. cute, or we’ve just used it to say “weiner” and “butt” at parties. (the latter)
we went to a wedding this weekend and I only took one picture and it’s of my knees. ok. BUT CHRIS SAID HE’S IN LOVE WITH ME so do you want me to share the knee picture, or no