It’s cool to become friends with and hang out with my wound care nurses, but better now because I have a wound on my leg vs. on my CROTCH. I made a new friend!
the guys who dated then ghosted me think they got away with it, but I changed the names of antagonists in my writing to their names. they’re going down in history as being teeeerrible
Note: I’m still dating Chris and we’re in love. I’m just editing a new book
Now that Chris sleeps over 5-6 nights per week, I’m having trouble finding time to wear my retainer. when do married women wear their retainers? help
solution is I wear my retainer during the day at work now. I work from home, but still. I’m a cutie
The 3 deep cuts on my hand represent the last 3 times I tried to make dinner for Chris, cut fruit for dinner at friends house, and eat meat for lunch. How old am I
I forgot to put on pants before, but now I actually arrived at my destination without shoes. Where is my mind?
(by the Pixies. look it up)
Now that Chris sleeps over 5-6 nights per week, I’m having trouble finding time to wear my retainer. when do married women wear their retainers? help
Baby’s first fencing wheelchair
(it looks the same as my normal one but it’s taller and has a lunge bar on my right side). JUST IN TIME for first North American Cup in October. what’s uuuuup
I spoke to a youth group at a church yesterday and the youth minister asked me “is there anything you need?” I don’t need anything so AS A JOKE I told him I need M&Ms, but I only eat the brown ones. So when I got there in my backstage room he set out a water bottle (ok) and two dishes of M&Ms, one with all colors and one with all brown. He picked outtttt the brown ones.
But I don’t like chocolate, so I scooped two handfuls of browns and threw them in the trash can (so wouldn’t think it wasted effort). good follow through. He sent them home with me and I’m taking them to book club tonight. I am a mom
Chris said I have “cornhole bag boobs,” so. What kind of compliments does your boyfriend give you?
A trick
If I think about Resees Puffs when I put roasted&unsalted almonds in my mouth, THEY TASTE LIKE RESEES PUFFS I’m not kidding
Achilles turned 6 last week, Chris and I are talking about marriage, all my wounds are healed. Happy happy
Second week of dating a guy and he took off work to book a non-refundable hotel room with me in Asheville, NC for the end of July. what am I dOoOoing.
This is one of them that I invited over to play Sorry, so that was a good plan after all (?!)
UPDATE. the trip was perfect and we still love each other. things feel way too good to be real