Chris just farted and locked me in the room with it, in case anyone is wondering what true love looks like.
According to my waterproof watch, cold weather also means adding ~10 minutes to my showers. 10 minutes. What am I DOING IN THERE for 10 extra minutes? (just sitting. I just sit)
If I see one more post or mailbox sticker that says “Happy Fall, ya’ll,” I’m going to smash a pumpkin. Don’t mess
click here
(another one coming out in 2 weeks that I like but) read my writing on Chris Reeve Foundation blog! do it
items I’ve put on my desk to motivate me to stay and write:
- an oil diffuser that’s so strong it makes my teeth hurt(?) but I paid $12 for it so I endure
- my favorite pens (I bought 26 of my favorite pen, so this was easy)
- a hologram card of Achilles humping a pillow that I made for my mom and dad but only dad wanted it (”that’s weird, Kristin” and she gave it back)
and a pair of prescription glasses that I bought offline but they make me look like an egg. no return policy though, so I still got em
Dad and I went to the WW1 museum (v cool) where a man interrupted me reading about 1+ million German soldiers dying to ask “how many speeding tickets in that thing today?” - pointing to my wheelchair.
Wheelchair jokes, everyone. 👏🏼
waking up in the hotel room with Dad means waking up to wale noises and bouncing on his bed. An 8 year old, basically
on the airplane Dad kept offering me the barf bag when the flight attendant walked by until she put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I’ll be okay. framed me
(I’m in Kansas City for a North American Cup for wheelchair fencing)
It’s cool to become friends with and hang out with my wound care nurses, but better now because I have a wound on my leg vs. on my CROTCH. I made a new friend!
the guys who dated then ghosted me think they got away with it, but I changed the names of antagonists in my writing to their names. they’re going down in history as being teeeerrible
Note: I’m still dating Chris and we’re in love. I’m just editing a new book
Now that Chris sleeps over 5-6 nights per week, I’m having trouble finding time to wear my retainer. when do married women wear their retainers? help
solution is I wear my retainer during the day at work now. I work from home, but still. I’m a cutie
The 3 deep cuts on my hand represent the last 3 times I tried to make dinner for Chris, cut fruit for dinner at friends house, and eat meat for lunch. How old am I
I forgot to put on pants before, but now I actually arrived at my destination without shoes. Where is my mind?
(by the Pixies. look it up)