The amount of times I cut myself while shaving my legs looks like I’m 10 years old again. Every time I shave is like the first time I shave
This time, I’m wearing a light gray dress and had to get the blood out, so I’m going on public with a dark gray right boob. (I leaned over into the blood)
People keep blessing my heart because they see my leg cast and think that’s why I’m [temporarily] in a wheelchair and it happens so much that I’ve stopped explaining that’s not why. It’s kinda fun to pretend I’m normal&hurt for a minute
Chris left to go home this morning and I’ve literally cried more than 25 times. That means 1. I’m in love with him; 2. I’ve never been in love before, nor do I know how to be; 3. I am a NUT; and 4. if we ever break up (but we won’t. he promised), I might have a stroke. 5.5 more weeks of this, ya’ll
in sickness and in health, so Chris has been feeling sick for two hours and I’ve cried seven times. SEVEN. I’m sad about it
I’ve started this thing where I use a plate for breakfast, try to not get it messy, leave it on the table, and reuse it for lunch. Mom says “now that you have a roommate you can’t be slack, Kristin.” But those two meals happen while Chris is at work, so I get away with things.
(“its not slack- it’s SURVIVAL, Mom.” But what does that even mean?)
46 days left of this vacation and I’m already praying to God for a faster metabolism. it’s Florida, guys
Three women asked me “are you okay?” in the locker room while I was getting undressed for a shower. I would LIKE TO THINK i had an after-workout glow and they all wanted to see me naked, but i probably just looked lost
can’t decide who I love more, Chris or Achilles.
(jk Achilles is my daughter of course I choose her)
(I’m on vacation with my parents until February) and Dad just discovered Daft Punk so it’s a night club in here second day in a row. oh my gosh
I’m almost 15 years into my disability and I still get in the shower with underwear on sometimes (haha HUH)
I told Chris to “look at the toys, Daddy” in WalMart today because I wanted to trick them into thinking I’m his daughter, but he said people will think he’s my sexual-Daddy. HAHA bad trick
I proposed to Chris with a small rubber band and he has been wearing it for 4 days so far. “Kristin I’m practicing”
Also note: HE SAID NO. I’m not allowed to propose.
I asked Chris when was the first time we decided we’re going to marry each other and he said it was in the car one day when i was telling a story and stopped in the middle and said “wait. we’re getting married, right?”
so. that’s confidence, I guess
Chris said “every time I turn around you, your mom, and your dad are passing around a chapstick like it’s a joint.”
it’s true
I just emailed my publisher to pitch another book, yees
I already wrote the entire book, though, so I hope he accepts it. yaknow
He accepted my manuscript and offered me a job at the company. I’m an Aquisition Editor now(!). this is the best life