my Uber driver just invited me to his virtual gender reveal party –
all I wanted to do was sell him a book, but then we became Facebook friends and now I’m going to find out the gender of his baby.
what a time to be alive
I KNOW she’s my best friend when the first question Katie asks me after I tell her I’m engaged is “do your nails look good?”
priorities. that’s my girl
Since getting engaged, I’ve gone my first noticeably two days without wearing mascara, at the same time wearing my snowman sweatshirt (so bad) and sweatpants. I didn’t mean to but I think I’ve officially given up trying to look good
WHICH IS MORE BEAUTIFUL? (trick question - don’t answer)
Check out my new book! on 🐞
I have a folder of wedding dresses on my computer (had it for monthssss), but MORE IMPORTANT is Achilles’ wedding dress. This is where I spent the serious money
I’ve been dating Chris for 12 months, living with Chris for 8 months, quarantined for 3 months, and I’m still living under the umbrella of “I am a lady and ladies don’t poop.” It’s impressive, really. I think I’ve tricked him?
but now we’re getting married so let’s see how long keep this going. Taking bets
Chris is moving into my house this weekend(!) and we have to rearrange the guest room to accommodate something called “THE FART COUCH.”
I liiiterally haven’t been attracted to another man since I fell in love with Chris but then I saw Joseph Gordon-Levitt and it makes me so uncomfortable that I am. I had to unfollow him on Instagram.
link dump, articles-written-by-me dump
Mistakes Were Made click here
“Help!” click here
Owning It click here
Death of the Apology click here
Alone, Together click here
Dating During COVID click here
that’s a lot, but they’re so fun. cheeeeeeck it out
I’ve been dating Chris for 12 months, living with Chris for 8 months, quarantined for 3 months, and I’m still living under the umbrella of “I am a lady and ladies don’t poop.” It’s impressive, really. I think I’ve tricked him?
The new poop chip: OREOS, and I’m ob sess ed.
Last week I emailed Nabisco and told them I will be an influencer, unpaid, “because I love the cookie that much.” I sent it to 3 addresses and haven’t heard back, so I’m a loony. I’m about to Amazon Prime them to myself because I can’t wait 2 days for our Friday grocery trip. what is wrong with me
The toilet clogged after I only peed and flushed, so I told chris and he was confused, trying to figure out why. Right before I peed, I flushed a Q Tip like he always tells me not to do so I’m pretty sure that’s why it clogged, but i can’t never admit it to him. I’m guilty but I don’t feel ANY GUILT.