I’ve (so unintentionally) lost 13lbs since last year, so I celebrated by eating 13 cookies last night. THIRTEEN cookies.
I went engagement-shoot-outfit shopping with mom yesterday and we only went to 3 stores and I thought I was going to DIE. like, actually die. How do people enjoy this
I told Chris about a man that bullied me and he said he was going to pee on him.
“I’ll pee on his head, Kristin. I’ll take him to PeePee Town.”
(my fiancé, my protector)
I’m feeding Achilles a new dog food that makes her TOOT. we can either smell or hear them from everywhere in the house. it’s not big enough to get away from them
I’ve had a ziploc bag with Galaxy’s (our cat) teeth in it in my desk since November. Someone give me a craft idea?
What to do with: 6 extracted teeth from a cat I don’t really like and who definitely doesn’t like me.
(Chris tells me to THROW THEM AWAY but they seem too important)
We made a family mission statement and I cry every time I read it
(and it’s on our fridge. this is going to be fUuUn)
My secret is out: I farted in the room with Chris today. (then cry-laughed for 25 minutes afterward.) I haven’t been this happy for all of 2020
I’m turning 30 tomorrow (so adult, woah) so in prep I’ve bought stock (already told you this but I’m excited), got a job as a PRODUCER (like an actual movie/tv show producer for a real company), and I just bought myself a notebook that has been in my Amazon cart for 2 months. I’m mostly excited about the notebook but the job is also really cool. 30 years!👏🏼
Nothing makes me feel more adult than getting my blood drawn and packing car snacks
As of this morning, I’ve invested in 5 stocks. I can’t believe how OLD AND MATURE I AM WOW
The best feeling in my life right now is washing my face, taking off my mascara, changing into my jams, then NOT HIDING FROM Chris because he lives with me and I can’t do that anymore. But he still likes me after I give up on my appearance at the end of the day, so it’s great
Today is the 15 year anniversary of my accident (wow) so I celebrated by eating an oreo after breakfast. I would like to say I did it because today I’m a WILD WOMAN, but ever since Monday I’ve been having an Oreo after breakfast and I’m scared it’s becoming habit. (SCARED) (I’m not really scared. I love it)
Also what our love looks like: we’re sharing a 40-day devotion book and sometimes discussing our answers and response to the chapters. I’ve reeeeally hit the jackpot.
Chris and I spent the last 6 minutes of our car ride home practicing fart noises with our mouths. This is what our love looks like. We both have different fart styles
I slept on my back/butt last night for the first time in 15 years and it was a BIG exciting and scary because I might’ve gotten a pressure sore DEAL. But what do I do with my hands??
Promo #1 for the tv show based on my book, Date Me. Follow @dateme.show on Instagram for updates!