I got scammed TWICE this week and fell for it both times. So now I’m checking my bank account 2+ times daily to make sure I wasn’t robbed, and I’m trying to get the smell of burnt Oreo out of my [ENTIRE] house
*updated* best feeling in the world:
Being really tried from a workout/bike ride, but also being clean from a shower. Then sitting next to Achilles and reading my book, but keep falling asleep. Then waking up again next to Achilles, and having a quality book to resume reading.
Also, knowing that all I’ve eaten today is a protein smoothie and avocado toast so my stomach is almost all the way empty but I feel fine. Eating disorder idea🎶AaA🎶tions never go away. (I’m healthy now don’t worry)
Every day I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch (protein smoothie breakfast, avocado toast lunch) and I get away with it because I’m training for a marathon. BUT REALLY I just don’t like food and have an excuse not to eat very much of it. For the win!
when I don’t eat breakfast with Christopher —
I actually physically lick the leftover avocado off of my plate, like a dog. I act like a dog
I’m using a Marriott washcloth that we borrowed/stole/kinda indirectly paid for and it’s so soft I want 10 more. But I have to steal????
Life update:
I bought 2 40-packs (so, 80) of Lance peanut butter crackers and I’ve used them as meal replacement 3 days in a row
A normal night dinner: one taco & a glass of water
Last night, when Christopher was gone for dinner and I was eating alone: one taco, two slices of pizza, a cupcake, nothing to drink
I quoted a Beyoncé song to Papa yesterday and he didn’t understand my reference
(92 years old) (happy birthday)
Achilles woke Christopher and I up from REM sleep at 3am this morning because her fart smelled so badly aaaand I’m just glad he was here with me this time
I started calling Christopher, my husband, “Christopher Johnson.” He responds to it now so I’m changin livvvvves
My wound doctor has an office in the hospital so I’ve been coming every week for 7 months. I park in the “Reserved Parking Towing Enforced” parking spot, I enter through the staff entrance, and I bypass the temperature-taking (for covid). I’m entitled!!!!!!!!
jk, but maybe not
Update: they chased me down the morning to take my temperature. I got too comfy and forgot to wear a mask, so I might have blow my staff entrance privileges.
But, I’m going for drinks with the parking attendant, and I gave the lady who sits at the help desk relationship advice last week. I still feel entitled!!!!!!!
Christopher complimented my butt when I bent over at the tea shop today and said “you bent over you didn’t even fart.” hahahahaha
Christopher just put sunscreen on my ears before I went out on my bike and I can’t believe there is someone who cares about me so much
wedding highlights
Christopher showed me this idea on our third date and said “if we ever get married, I want to do this”
I thought I’ve never had edibles before but mom says she served me a weed chocolate bar 5 years ago that she brought home from Argentina and I didn’t like it HAHA I had no idea. but I also don’t like chocolate so let’s try it in something like a sugar cookie
I’ve lived with Christopher for almost 2 years and I’ve always put my stray hairs in the sink. This week he FINALLY SAID SOMETHING about how inconvenient it is, I’m proud of him. We’re married now but still reaching new levels
Having a cast on my leg is kinda fun because people think THAT’S why I’m in a wheelchair. They think I’m normal!!!!
My wound doctor has an office in the hospital so I’ve been coming every week for 7 months. I park in the “Reserved Parking Towing Enforced” parking spot, I enter through the staff entrance, and I bypass the temperature-taking (for covid). I’m entitled!!!!!!!!
jk, but maybe not