Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

The amount of SNACKS I eat these days is RIDICULOUS. 

mostly fruit 

(but I’m not having a girl) (that’s a wives tale that I 100% believed & is 100% not true)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Today when I was rolling around my house with my phone in my lap, my BELLY sent a TEXT MESSAGE. Can’t deny my pregnancy chunk anymore (it’s so fun)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

The further I get into my pregnancy, the more I learn how tolerant and not even alarmed contractors are when I answer the door in my t-shirt and underwater. They don’t even flinch. I’ve wasted much effort getting dressed for these people, but there’s really no need to

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

At this point in my life, why would I EVER wear a bra with underwire again? “amen” if you agree with me.

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

There’s regular granola, then there’s peanut butter clusters that are so good you’ll eat it after it falls to the ground and your dog licks it. As for me, I eat the peanut butter clusters (gross? it’s ok)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Day 3 of having the theme song for an at-home colon cancer test in my head. It’s so catchy, it’s SO annoying. Literally keeping me awake at night

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I had a dream that someone out all my clothes hangers too high for me to reach. When I woke up I went to my closet to check because I don’t know I guess that was a nightmare to a girl in a wheelchair

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I gasped in my sleep last night and woke up Christopher. When he asked what’s wrong I told him it was a dream, but I didn’t tell him in my dream I was shopping a sale at Old Navy(?). I was buying “after bed bored clothes.” Like pajamas after you take off your pajamas

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I told someone that my body feels like a stubbed toe at the end of the day and no analogy has BEEN more ACCURATE

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

now that my belly is big, I can’t look down and see if I’m wearing underwear or not. plus I’m paralyzed so I can’t feel if I am. HAHA being a big gal is fun

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Combination of this pregnancy, bending all the way over my legs when I have a big belly that doesn’t bend, and riding in the back of the airplane shuttle at Disney World last month means I’ve thrown up in my mouth more times in the past 60 days than maybe I have in my lifetime. I’m starting to enjoy the taste. 

(jk jk) but it’s not BAD

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

When Christopher has plans without me and I’m alone at home it’s so EXCITING and MYSTERIOUS because anything could happen and he’d never even know. I can do anything. I usually just watch a movie or read a book but tonight I might go to CHICK FIL A WITHOUT HIM.

This is being an adult, being married, becoming lame

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I asked Christopher to show me one inch of his butt crack and he said HE WON’T

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Christopher and I have both had covid since new years, a week, and ever since we got it the sweetest thing that he’s said to me and that I can imagine is “do you want me to get you a cup for your loogies?” Yes please, beautiful angel

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I made a HIDEOUS face in the mirror by accident, then I showed it to Christopher at dinner so we could both laugh. But he said “yeah that’s the face you do all the time. I’ve seen it.” Hahaha oops

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’ve been having very vivid and peculiar dreams this pregnancy and last night I had a long conversation/explanation on how to correctly brush my teeth. Do we think God is sending me messages to brush better? or nah

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

(We’re not telling the name we picked out for our son, eta April 2023, but) it’s cool that the first thing that 4+ people have said when trying to guess it is “it’s probably a name from the Bible, so ____.”

And then they guess something basic like MATTHEW so they get it wrong, but. It feels like an accomplishment that people know how much we love Jesus. (no one will ever guess tho. It’s so good)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I feel like I have to tell everyone, strangers, “I’m pregnant” to explain why I’m eating so much more than other people

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Either I’ve simply rediscovered cream cheese and chives crackers, or my pregnancy craving is cream cheese and chives crackers. How booooooooooring am I? I also suspect that I’m craving apples and skim milk

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I used to at least TRY to hide the sound of the chip bag when I eat sour cream and onion chips for breakfast or after 8PM. But then we got married, I got pregnant, I lost the will

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