Every time I spend time around other children&parents, I feel nervous? that’s not the word. Self-aware in a negative way? kinda closer.
When I try a baby voice, I sound like a devil possession so I’m not doing that. I also just don’t care about things kids are doing, like acting interested in things that aren’t interesting and asking questions about dumb things. Also just watching a kid do nothing interesting all afternoons sounds so boring to me. Maybe this’ll all change and it’ll come naturally when I have my own, but right now it’s intimidating to be around other good moms. If anyone is reading this, pls send comfort.
(DO I HAVE TO TALK HIGH PITCHED TO A KID OR CAN I JUST BE NORMAL) 1.5 months until bby comes, I’m feelin this today
Christopher says he always knows when I wake up in the morning because I make a noise when I wake up. “like an animal” ?!? hahaha stay tuned
I’m proud to say I made it 31 weeks, but the mother/pregnancy/ridiculous emotions started this morning.
1. Looking into Achilles eyes. Her life is so perfect right now, but what if she isn’t as happy with a baby? Christopher says she’s going to help us raise him, but what if she’d rather not?
2. Unboxing a bottle set. I cut my finger and it hurt, but I cried because I’m going to have a SMALL little boy drinking from it. It’s mind-blowing
I’m crying as I’m writing this, ok
I’m in my third trimester so my belly is GROWIN’(!), means I can’t fit in my old clothes anymore. Maternity shirts all have scrunches on the side (to allow for growing belly) and Christopher calls them my “nightclub shirts.” I’m clubbin’! for 2 only more months, holyyy smokes
We toured the hospital where I’m giving birth today and it’s like I’m more excited about 24/7 room-serviced unlimited food for Chris and I than I am for a baby. (jk I’m excited about both) but that hospital is a resort. Admit me, pls
BIG NEWS. Wide Awake is comin’.
preorder! preorder!
also that screenshot hahah. it’s perfect
My newest and biggest annoying thing people do: saying “aww” in response to something good, sad, bad, happy.
I’m withholding telling this lady good news because I don’t want her to say it.
I can’t hide that I’m pregnant anymore so the first thing when she saw my belly was “awww”
“How are you?” if I say good, “aww” and if I say bad, “aww.'“ I can’t win
I was with her for 1.5 hours today, she said “aww” 21 times
I had a dream (nightmare? fantasy?) that I touched my stomach under the covers and my belly was ~6 inches bigger. Then when I woke up it wasn’t, and I felt SKINNY (I’m not, at all). Pregnant belly is SO FAR, fun
The best part of a pregnant belly is it’s a perfect shelf for mixed nuts and chips when I’m loungin’ on the sofa
it’s amazing that I can be single with no sleep problems for 30 years of my life but now that I’m married, all the sudden I have a hard time falling asleep without Christopher in bed next to me. IS THIS LOVE or an annoying quirk
Combination of being stubborn and being pregnant: I keep bending over to dry my hair, I keep throwing up in my mouth. But it’s ok my hair has volume
The amount of SNACKS I eat these days is RIDICULOUS.
mostly fruit
(but I’m not having a girl) (that’s a wives tale that I 100% believed & is 100% not true)
Today when I was rolling around my house with my phone in my lap, my BELLY sent a TEXT MESSAGE. Can’t deny my pregnancy chunk anymore (it’s so fun)
The further I get into my pregnancy, the more I learn how tolerant and not even alarmed contractors are when I answer the door in my t-shirt and underwater. They don’t even flinch. I’ve wasted much effort getting dressed for these people, but there’s really no need to
At this point in my life, why would I EVER wear a bra with underwire again? “amen” if you agree with me.
There’s regular granola, then there’s peanut butter clusters that are so good you’ll eat it after it falls to the ground and your dog licks it. As for me, I eat the peanut butter clusters (gross? it’s ok)
Day 3 of having the theme song for an at-home colon cancer test in my head. It’s so catchy, it’s SO annoying. Literally keeping me awake at night
I had a dream that someone out all my clothes hangers too high for me to reach. When I woke up I went to my closet to check because I don’t know I guess that was a nightmare to a girl in a wheelchair
I gasped in my sleep last night and woke up Christopher. When he asked what’s wrong I told him it was a dream, but I didn’t tell him in my dream I was shopping a sale at Old Navy(?). I was buying “after bed bored clothes.” Like pajamas after you take off your pajamas
I told someone that my body feels like a stubbed toe at the end of the day and no analogy has BEEN more ACCURATE