One of the biggest adjustments since having Malachi and since he’s been sleeping through the night is not getting to work out at any time of the day like I used to. having to plan ahead**. I guess that’s what everyone has to do, though? am I so spoiled because I haven’t had an out-of-home job in 5 years? (yes)
I found the saddest feeling: when my body hurts like it does after a very hard workout, but all I’ve done is warp my body around holding Malachi all day. it’s a little less sad when you see how BEAUTIFUL he is, but still
I’ve had songs from the Mulan soundtrack in my head since I woke up this morning at 3am. I went back to sleep, but immediately started Bringing Honor To Us All. it’s a good movie but help
I haven’t been a cheerleader for 19 years but please belieEeve I still wear the underwear (“lollies”) from my old uniform. They’re slick! and they’re kinda tight. but it’s ok
To have my massage therapist say, “Do you have anything to do after this? We’re going over time” is my greatest accomplishment of 2023
(a massage! happy 18th accident anniversary, Kristin)
I play the same Cut-My-Hair-And-When-Someone-Asks-How-Much-I’m-Cutting-I-Say-I’m-“Going-Short-This-Time”-Then-Send-Them-A-Picture-Of-A-Woman-With-A-Bob-Haircut-And-Say-It’s-A-Selfie trick on someone I love literally every time I cut my hair (only every ~9 months, but still) and it’s NOT funny. They don’t even fake laughs very hard but I still do it every time for some reason
I’m 32 years old and I just discovered how good it feels to put lotion all over my face (it’s so good, I recommend)
update (& oh how the tables turn):
I used to cut Achilles’ hair with my (kitchen) scissors, and now I’m using her (grooming) scissors to cut my own.
I didn’t cut too much and I still look like a girl, so we’re good
I always get scared of myself when I’m about to cut my own hair because WITHOUT FAIL I get into a “oh, it’ll grow back” mind and cut waay too much. I’m about to cut it, stay tuned
sometimes right before I get comfy, Malachi pees, spits up, or liquid poops on me. sometimes all in one day (today!!)! Having a boy is a [not sarcastic] BLAST. it’s so fun
I fiiinally got to ride my handcycle for an hour today and I just had nursery rhymes in my head the whole time. Literally singing the mockingbird song the whole time I rode.
am I a mom or WHAT. help
I discovered how to schedule emails to be sent in future, so I’m taking CARE of things. Checking in on someone after her surgery (in the future), asking people to review Wide Awake after it comes out (on 08/15), and following up after a conversation (I’m having next week). I guess people have known about this feature for years?
I tell Christopher Malachi’s looks like “a good mix of us” but he is a MAMAS BOY. amiright? I wiiiiin
Now that we have a robot mop/vacuum (“BootyBot”), I see ONE SPOT on the floor and I mop the whole house. It makes me feel responsible, I don’t care how much soap solution I’m wasting
I had a dream that I wrote a bunch of blog post ideas in the sand with a stick, then the water came and washed them away. I was devastated, it was a nightmare? Don’t anyone tell me I’m not committed to posting silly one-liners for you guys
I looked in the mirror this morning and decided I looked like a beautiful mermaid because I didn’t have mascara on and looked like I just got out of a pool. Then I looked in the mirror at lunchtime and HAHA I still looked like I got out of a pool, but in the worst way. why didn’t Christopher tell me
I’m at a point that days I put on pants and don’t leave my house feel like a humongous waste.
— the putting on pants part is the waste, not staying in. Malachi growing up and me having to wear them around him every day will be a ruUde awakening