Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

In the shower I was thinking about the power of words (🙄🙄 authors, yaknow?) and two memories came to mind that I’ll never forget, but ???

The time Bill taught me what a dingleberry is (high school); and the time(s?) my ex boyfriend called me “adorkable,” like adorable + dork (COLLEGE). The first one is funny, second painfully embarrassing [for him only].

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

another travel mug update: I got a massage today and I talked about my mug to my [trapped in the room] therapist for 15 minutes. I think I’m done now though

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Update: I cornered him and he let me talk about my mug for almost 10 minutes. THIS IS WHAT LOVE IS.

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I paid almost $50 for a mug that I REALLY just want to talk about but people don’t want to hear it? I’ve sent Christopher 2 text messages of “next time you come in the kitchen, I’ll tell you 2 new reasons I love my mug!” and “I have something to show you! Mug related!” and he literally took 20+ minutes each time. is this what love is

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Not enough girls with long hair are talking about what they do with it while they sleep. A ponytail so your hair breaks off where the rubber band is tied? Down by your shoulders so your neck motion is restricted? Over the top of the pillow so it looks the SILLIEST? I sleep with it over the top but I feel like there’s a secret I don’t know.

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Even in a world with tik tok, selfies, and political correctness, I think text message reactions ("heart" or "like," etc. a text) is the worst thing our culture does. I can't get away from people who do it

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

CONSISTENT, every day when Malachi is taking a nap or sleeping, I toss between “I think I’m ready to have a second kid” and “really just want him to wake up.” It’s like I miss him while he sleeps so I want another one to play with in the meantime. I’m needy???? or do I just love him?

I’m needy. but also I want another one. help

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I love Malachi so much that sometimes I just - still, 12 months later - cry about it. Crying because of love, how does that make sense??

But I haven’t written anything on here in 2 weeks so this is update that he turned 1 and I’m still obsessed, obsessed. hehe

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

If your days are starting to get boring and you’re looking for an inexpensive spark, change your toothbrush head. (Besides playing with Malachi and talking to Christopher,) Brushing my teeth is the literally best part of my day.

(is this a SAD or very CUTE thing?)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’ve identified the greatest feeling: lying down and being reeeally sleepy. I’ve been taking NyQuil to get rid of a cough and I love that part of sickness because it’s drowsy medicine. hehe I love it (but the cough is annoying ok)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

​in an effort to curb my Boom Chicka Pop sweet & salty kettle corn habit, I'm convincing myself that I don't like any foods that get caught in my teeth, that change the color of my spit, or leave a lasting taste in my mouth. because it "feels invasive," is what I'm saying. let's see how it goes, checking in in 2 weeks.

(also because Costco maybe doesn't sell the popcorn anymore???)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

As a homeowner/adult/mama, the highlights of my week are running the dishwasher, the robot mop/vacuum, and starting the laundry. ??????

(and seeing Malachi smile! and giving Achilles her daily Greenie! cleaning is just very exciting and satisfying!) compare me to 5 years ago, it’s weird

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

The problem with a tigh gap while sitting down is I can’t carry popcorn on my lap without kernels falling through my legs and eventually I sit on them. (ew?) but really why do people want this

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

How to lose weight while you shower (I was just in the Fat Burn Zone for all 22 minutes!):

make the water hotter than you like it, then get used to it. then stay in for a long time

Kristin’s weight loss program so far includes: have a fever and waste water. !!!!

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’ve always said I’m not going to let myself “let go” (stop caring about what I look like because I get comfy) once I get married but then I caught myself wearing a nude color bra almost every day for the last year. I’ve let go.

(placed an order for a just as comfy but different color, don’t worry)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

  • it’s after 2pm and

  • I forget to eat lunch.

  • I don’t want to eat, but I know Christopher will ask what I had and not like that I skipped.

  • So I eat something,

  • but all day he never asks.

  • it’s very annoying, second time this week

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I met my heart rate goal times four today!

Weight loss tip: have [what I think is] a fever.

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Malachi stands taller and can reach things better in his walker, so we’re finding things throughout the house/on the floor: 

a cup of applesauce in the laundry room

my catheter in the closet

wasabi Peas by the refrigerator

an empty water jug by my nightstand

my mail scattered in the living room.

— I freakin’ love having a kid

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

When Christopher leaves the house I turn into a different person: clapping, talking loud, singing the US Air Force fight song top volume, and narrating everything. Also I immediately go to the pantry and eat something. He doesn’t hold me back (at all) when he’s home but it’s something about being ALONE (with Malachi) and acting like a fool & fat kid

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

“Ew, why do you put poop on your lips?”

Christopher doesn’t like the smell of my chapstick. It’s not POOP. It’s coconut! Hahahahaha

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