Two hiding spots that have popped up:
1. Under my belly, like under the part that sticks out above the top of my pants.
2. In my cleavage, because my boobs have gotten [too] big.
I’ve found missing food, eating utensils, pens, dried fruit. like treasure chests on my body!
I don’t remember anything about my dreams, but I wake up with phrases in my mind that I can’t get out. This morning it was, “He’ll continue to do her bidding, even though he has no ties to her.”
And yesterday, “I don’t know much except that I want to eat the eggplant.”
I’m 34 weeks and baby can be born any day (premature but healthy)???? This is starting to feel very, finally real. Ya girl is [about to be] a MAMA
jk I’ve had Achilles for 10 years, she counts
I’ve made it this long in my pregnancy (33 weeks) without someone resting their hand on my belly for a picture. great success
at this point in my [SO-CALLED] Pregnancy Brain, I’ve been asking Christopher “do you know if I took a shower yesterday or not?”
(he always does, thank God)
since I can so clearly hear men peeing into a toilet, I often want to comment on it ("wow, you really had to go!" or "you've been holding that in for a while, huh?!"). but I haven't yet because will that make him self-conscious? "yeah, Kristin, I did!" or "I sure have!!" is all I can hope for, but that's the conversation I crave. standby
In the past week two people have said to me (when I tell them how much BIGGER my belly is growing this trimester), “I bet you’re such a cute pregnant person.”
and like ….. not really? But I think my face got smaller! Is it likely or just my imagination?
Every time I spend time around other children&parents, I feel nervous? that’s not the word. Self-aware in a negative way? kinda closer.
When I try a baby voice, I sound like a devil possession so I’m not doing that. I also just don’t care about things kids are doing, like acting interested in things that aren’t interesting and asking questions about dumb things. Also just watching a kid do nothing interesting all afternoons sounds so boring to me. Maybe this’ll all change and it’ll come naturally when I have my own, but right now it’s intimidating to be around other good moms. If anyone is reading this, pls send comfort.
(DO I HAVE TO TALK HIGH PITCHED TO A KID OR CAN I JUST BE NORMAL) 1.5 months until bby comes, I’m feelin this today
Christopher says he always knows when I wake up in the morning because I make a noise when I wake up. “like an animal” ?!? hahaha stay tuned
I’m proud to say I made it 31 weeks, but the mother/pregnancy/ridiculous emotions started this morning.
1. Looking into Achilles eyes. Her life is so perfect right now, but what if she isn’t as happy with a baby? Christopher says she’s going to help us raise him, but what if she’d rather not?
2. Unboxing a bottle set. I cut my finger and it hurt, but I cried because I’m going to have a SMALL little boy drinking from it. It’s mind-blowing
I’m crying as I’m writing this, ok
I’m in my third trimester so my belly is GROWIN’(!), means I can’t fit in my old clothes anymore. Maternity shirts all have scrunches on the side (to allow for growing belly) and Christopher calls them my “nightclub shirts.” I’m clubbin’! for 2 only more months, holyyy smokes
We toured the hospital where I’m giving birth today and it’s like I’m more excited about 24/7 room-serviced unlimited food for Chris and I than I am for a baby. (jk I’m excited about both) but that hospital is a resort. Admit me, pls
BIG NEWS. Wide Awake is comin’.
preorder! preorder!
also that screenshot hahah. it’s perfect
My newest and biggest annoying thing people do: saying “aww” in response to something good, sad, bad, happy.
I’m withholding telling this lady good news because I don’t want her to say it.
I can’t hide that I’m pregnant anymore so the first thing when she saw my belly was “awww”
“How are you?” if I say good, “aww” and if I say bad, “aww.'“ I can’t win
I was with her for 1.5 hours today, she said “aww” 21 times
I had a dream (nightmare? fantasy?) that I touched my stomach under the covers and my belly was ~6 inches bigger. Then when I woke up it wasn’t, and I felt SKINNY (I’m not, at all). Pregnant belly is SO FAR, fun
The best part of a pregnant belly is it’s a perfect shelf for mixed nuts and chips when I’m loungin’ on the sofa
it’s amazing that I can be single with no sleep problems for 30 years of my life but now that I’m married, all the sudden I have a hard time falling asleep without Christopher in bed next to me. IS THIS LOVE or an annoying quirk
Combination of being stubborn and being pregnant: I keep bending over to dry my hair, I keep throwing up in my mouth. But it’s ok my hair has volume