Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

How we’re doing Christmas for Malachi:

  • No Santa Claus

  • 4 gifts from mama and papa: something you need, something you want, something that teaches you about the Bible (this category will change yearly), and something you read

  • Fun presents in the stocking, but I’m very limited by how much I can fit

The point is to make Christmas about Jesus, not greed and material things. I’m passionate about it.

that being said,

it’s only October but it’s already so FREAKING HARD to not buy many presents for Malachi now that he laughs and plays and is the perfect boy. (He was too young to be laughing and playing last year, but he was perfect). When we made this plan I didn’t realize how much fun it is to buy toddler toys

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Raised him right: Malachi dances when I play Billy Joel, etc. but sits like Stonehenge when I play Veggie Tales, Kids Bop, other kid music

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Malachi is like a grandpa: He always has a balled up tissue in his hand. I truly don’t know where he’s getting them, but every time I take it from him and throw it away, he gets another one. FROM WHERE?!

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

something about the nighttime that makes me want to buy things on Temu.

not* “somebody stop me,” because Christopher already has. But I still look???

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I tried one week of listening to Veggie Tales/kid music with Malachi and I just CAN’T. I wake up singing kid songs and I can’t stop. You don’t know what it’s like to have the New Testament sang by a cucumber in your head all day. He’s back to Billy Joel, Eric Clapton, and Sinatra this week.

This post to prove that I tried

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Not a conspiracy theorist, but people not telling me about my running mascara/raccoon eyes feels like a conspiracy against me. Literally I have it to my cheekbones

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

It’s disappointing that I don’t have any “Christopher is out of town! Now I can ___!” or “I’m home alone (with Malachi)! Finally we’ll ____!” Christopher is gone for the weekend and the only thing we’re doing differently is playing Bible songs at volume

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

The fact: when you're pregnant, your tastebuds change. Things you usually love will taste yucky.

The application: we just went out for hibachi. I got hibachi salmon, which comes with fried rice, which tasted YUCKY and I couldn't eat it. I'm pregnant! I thought about it all dinner and on the way home, I'm excited because I'm pregnant!! then I took a test and I'm not, Christopher told me "the bad chef was working tonight." aaaaand I deflated. I thought the fried rice was going to be my pregnancy story, y'all

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I freakin love folding fitted sheets. Why does everyone hate on it so much?? Match is the corners and roll it like a ball. bam and doesn’t even look sloppy.

somebody please argue with me about this

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

As they get older, my grandparents are renaming me. I used to be Kristin, but now I’m Christine, Christian, Kristian, and Kris. I think it’s wonderful and so cute

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Cleaning the house is soo much slower (and so much sweeter) when Malachi is behind me, pushing my wheelchair where he wants me to go. it’s ok for now but when he gets old enough to know better, YOU BET I’m gonna smack his hands when he tries to push. (I don’t like it!!!) (but I love it now!!! so small, so sweet)

e.g. we’re throwing away Old tangerines from the refrigerator, but I’m stuck in the laundry room I can’t get out without rolling over his fingers. Help! but don’t help! I love it!

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Malachi was crying so I was switching between whispering “you’re good” and “you’re okay” to calm him down but INSTEAD I whispered “you’re gay” in his ear 5 times before catching it. hehe

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Now it’s so many people are getting Botox lip injections, I am suspect of everyone who has medium to big ones. Who cares, but I can’t stop wondering. trust no lip

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Christopher got a free loaf of bread then our groceries totaled $46.46 so I ran to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. it was negative but wouldn’t that be a STORY for the table. we got a free loaf of bread on your (kinda) birthday, son

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Teaching bad habits  pt. 2:

we lift up my shirt (I do do it then he does it) to smack me on the stomach because it makes him laugh. So, now! He lifts up other peoples shirts to I guess their stomach? he hasn’t gotten that far yet, though. you can imagine

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

How I’m teaching Malachi to hit people another bad habits:

he likes it when I say “ow” (accidentally discovered), so I shout it when he hits me and he just laaaughs. So now he hits! tiny win: I also do it when he hits his own head, so he usually just hits himself and me. it’s ok. Christopher says it makes him look autistic but it doesn’t. He’s cute

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

— I believe I’ve expressed this on here before, but it just made me laugh again today —

At what point in my marriage did I go from “Christopher should find me attractive every day” to “I’m not seeing anyone except Christopher today. I’ll wear my blue pants with castles on them becuase there comfy.” (they’re soo ugly)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Mom always told me “if you wear men’s deodorant, you’re going to go on a date and the guy will wear the same deodorant as you. That’s weird, Kristin.” (I do it because of the smells) and last night Christopher said “is that Axe Phoenix? I used to wear that.”

HA. it didn’t happen until I’m MARRIED and it’s NOT weird. we bonded?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’m following this new trend where I buy NIGHT GOWNS that look pretty much like normal dresses. Then when I wear them, I’m the comfiest all day.

it’s not a trend*, I’m the only one who does But it’s smart, right?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I don’t looove going to the doctors office, but I love when I’m there often enough that nurses start letting me into their workplace drama (I never ask, they just spill)

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