Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I just told my dad to “walk the plank” by way of an insult, and I just feel proud of myself

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’m excited for Malachi to be old enough that I don’t have to be anatomically correct* and start calling it a wiener again

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I realized that if I play music and I move my mouth like I’m singing, Malachi probably thinks it’s my voice. I am Frank Sinatra, I am James Taylor, I am Billy Joel, I am only men, but it’s ok

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Of all the names I call Malachi, Bunion is the only one that stuck. Baby Bunion, Bunion Boy, Little Bunion, sometimes just Bunion. Nicknames can’t be forced, yaknow? Whatever happens, happens, and “bunion” just happened. one day I’ll get to tell him he was named after a painful foot growth. 

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I knew a girl in college who thought the long version of “legit” was “legitly” and I think of that at least once per month, still. I wonder if she has a job?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I just can’t believe I get to be Malachi’s mom eeeevery freakin day. It’s such a blast

(look, a new and improved Kristin!!!)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Christopher and I are in silent competition for Malachi to say our names first. I’m whispering to him while he sleeps, saying “mama” over and over while 1-2 inches from his face, and saying it in different accents/tones. Mamas GOT THIS.

Standby, see who wins.

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

having a son has taught me so many things about the wiener, I could write a book on it (I won’t dw dw)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Today I just forgot to go to the bathroom. I guess it’s not relatable because most of you guys can feel when you need to go? But I can’t, and I just FORGOT. I’ve never done that before, so weird

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I’ve ordered 15 dresses and one wedding guest dress in the past 7 days, and each one for UNDER $5. except for the wedding dress, but that was also very affordable. I feel like I’m at the top of my life right now

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I just told Christopher that I’m glad Malachi isn’t “a seasonal item and that he’ll be ours forever.”


but it’s true I’m glad

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Why does rotisserie chicken smell like farts? think about that next time

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Update that no one asked (but we’re all thankful) for:

I’ve gone from losing a house cat’s worth of hair, to a small groundhog. 5.1 months into postpartum, it’s finally stopping. (this is the ONLY bad part of pregnancy, so it’s fine. I didn’t like that hair anyway)

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Second sign that I’m in MOM territory:

I joined a mom’s group. 

I cringed, then I had lots of fun. maybe this is who I am now???

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Before Malachi, I told myself that I won’t talk about his poop in public, to other people, like anyone else cares (I didn’t at ALL). But tonight I caught myself saying “Great! Malachi pooped before lunch today, so its been a good day,” in response to just “hi, how are you”

(when he doesn’t poo-splode in the morning, I’m wait for the ball to drop all day long)


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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Dark chocolate morsels everywhere: 

on my seat cover (looked like poo but WASN’T); inside the back of my bra near the clasp (?) (found it when I was in bed, I smeared in on my sheets, I had to change them); and in the fork drawer (the only one that kind of almost makes sense).

this reminds me of when the same thing happened during my dried-kale-eating-obsession: there was a piece of kale stuck to my thigh as I was getting out of the shower. how does that even happen?

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I used to leave my pee in the toilet so I could (brag) show Christopher how clear it is, but he makes me flush it down now. ugh

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

I knew I’d crossed the line into MOM when I told my friend that his a girlfriend “looks delightful.”   ???

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

the difference of before and after Malachi:

before — I squirm and wash my hands if anything gets on them at all. anything

after — today I actually hoped he would mistake my knuckle for a pacifier. then when he did I was just grinnin’

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Kristin Gupta Kristin Gupta

Still, 4 months later, I sometimes forget that Malachi is real and MINE and sleeping in the other room. So I get to remember and be so excited again. This happens first thing in the morning or after he takes a [annoyingly] long nap. It’s the best, it’s the same thing I felt when I used to go through a breakup (I forget that I’m single again, I have to remember, I’m sad), except OPPOSITE.

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